Cst Photography

Im an amature photographer based in Gloucestershire
i have always loved motorsport from a young age going to car with my famaily like prescott hillclimb and local grass track events to watch.
years later my brothers took up speed hillclimbing first with a morris minor and then a lotus 7.. when they left the sport to start familys i joined the marshall fraternity as hillclimb marshal which i thoroughly enjoyed for a number of year getting very close to the action making a lot of friends along the way,also being keen artist being so close to the action gave my many great idea for creating paintings.. after a number of years of marshaling i joined a classic car trials club wth my girlfriend in our home town ,we both attend many of the clubs events where she marshals and i photograph the events, recently i decided to stop marshalling at speed hill climb events due time and work commitment, so now i concentrate artwork and photography.